©Carolina Flight Academy
Private Pilot Program
Steps to your pilot certificate
Aeronautical knowledge and FAA knowledge test
Pre-solo training in the airplane
Solo training
Flying to other airports (cross-county training)
Solo cross-county training
Practical test preparation
Practical test
Before you solo: The student pilot certificate
We all start out as student pilots. Before flying solo in the aircraft, you'll need to have in your possession a student
pilot certificate.
To get a student pilot certificate you must:
Be at least 16 years old
Hold at least a third class medical certificate if you’re pursuing a recreational or private pilot certificate
Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language.
Aeronautical knowledge
Aeronautical knowledge includes diverse and interesting subjects like aerodynamics, how the systems of the airplane
you are flying work, what weather to avoid, FAA regulations, and more. The FAA requires that you pass a knowledge
test covering these subject areas with a grade of 70 percent or better.
You can study at home with the help of books, videos, or computer training programs; and many flight schools offer
ground school classes to help you learn the principles covered in the test. Studying topics such as navigation,
aerodynamics, and weather while you’re on the ground also can help you apply what you’ve learned in the air.
Learning to fly is a matter of acquiring aeronautical knowledge, flight proficiency, and experience. Think of the
process of earning a sport, recreational, or private pilot certificate as a series of steps. Some steps, such as
aeronautical knowledge, can be integrated throughout your training process. Others, like solo training, come when
your instructor has provided the required training and he or she decides that you are ready. The process can be
broken down into the following subjects:
In your practical test, or checkride, you’ll bring together elements from every aspect of training to prove your aviation
skills and knowledge by talking to and flying with an examiner. It’s the last step to earn your pilot certificate, but your
journey as an aviator has only just begun.
What will it cost?
The FAA required minimum hours is 40 hours.
30 hours @ $60/hour= $1800
Airplane (Cessna 172):
30 hours @ $140/hour= $4200
Airplane solo:
10 hours @ $140/hour= $1400
Ground instruction:
15 hours @ $60/hour= $900
Total: $8300
The national average to receive your private pilot license is 55 hours.
37.5 hours @ $60/hour= $2250
Airplane (Cessna 172):
37.5 hours @ $140/hour= $5250
Airplane solo:
17.5 hours @ $140/hour= $2450
Ground instruction:
15 hours @ $60/hour= $900
Total: $10850
We also offer an Accelerated Instrument Rating Program and a Private Pilot and Instrument combo package.
Get your Instrument rating in as little as 10 days! Click HERE for more info or click HERE for the Package.